Rotaryclub Vishakhapatnam


Look deep into nature, and you will
understand everything better.

About Rotary

As Rotarians, we must never underestimate the power of our individual actions. Each act of kindness, each project, each initiative has the potential to create a ripple effect that extends far beyond what we can imagine. Let us be the catalysts of hope, inspiring others to join us in our mission to make the world a better place. I urge each and every one of you to embrace this theme of hope and let it guide your actions. Let us create hope by reaching out to those in need, by offering a helping hand to the marginalized, and by empowering individuals to realize their full potential. Together, we can be a force for good, a source of inspiration, and a beacon of hope in a world that often feels overwhelmed by challenges.

About Rotary Visakhapatnam

Rotary Club of Vizagapatam is first club in Andhra Pradesh and also first in Rotary District 3020 sponsored by Rotary Club of Madras. Club was organised on 08-03-1942 with 21 charter members and club was chartered on 28-05-1942. first club in District 3020.  Many personalities have addressed our club. Dr.  Radhakrishnan, Sri KC Ready (Union minister), Sri Jag jeevan Ram, many Governors of Andhra Pradesh and many Chief ministers of Andhra Pradesh, to name a few. Our club undertook many community service activities and Projects which are published in ‘The Rotarian’ magazine of Rotary International.

President Message

Dear Friends and Esteemed Guests,

It is with great joy and gratitude that I welcome you to this special occasion, celebrating our Rotary Club’s

Installation Day. As the President of this remarkable organization, I am honoured to address you through this souvenir, a testament to our collective dedication and passion for service.

Our Recent Activities

Community Service

Water Wheels –
Rotary Club Visakhapatnam with support of CSR funds of M/s SSNR Projects Pvt Ltd have provided water wheels to 100 beneficiaries in villages near Paderu and Araku. This will reduce physical stress on the head of the women carrying water from long distances and also encourage girl children to go to schools instead of helping them by bringing water.

Vocational Service

Tailoring Centres and Computer training centre

 Rotary Club Visakhapatnam had setup tailoring centres at 6 different areas in and around the City of Visakhapatnam wherein 100s of women are already benefitted. Computer centre running at BNR foundation building, Kancharapalem benefitted many youth of economically backward class in learning Computer languages like C, C++, Dot Net, etc.,

Next Generation Service

Interact clubs

Rotary Club Visakhapatnam sponsored 100 interact clubs on a single stage which is a world record in history of Rotary International. The 100 clubs are running successfully with various activities that enrich the knowledge and leadership skills among the children like Summer camps, Chess competitions, Science day celebrations, Interact week celebrations, Children’s day celebrations, etc.,


Promoting Peace

Rotary encourages conversations to foster understanding within and across cultures. We train adults and young leaders to prevent and mediate conflict and help refugees who have fled dangerous areas.

Fighting Disease

We educate and equip communities to stop the spread of life-threatening diseases like polio, HIV/AIDS, and malaria. We improve and expand access to low-cost and free health care in developing areas.

Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene

We support local solutions to bring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to more people every day. We don’t just build wells and walk away. We share our expertise with  

Saving mothers and children

Nearly 6 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. We expand access to quality care, so mothers and their children can live and grow stronger.

Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene

More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender 

Saving mothers and children

We carry out service projects that enhance economic and community development and create opportunities for decent and productive work for young and old. We also strengthen local entrepreneurs and community leaders

Top 10 Reasons To Join Rotary Club

  • Opportunity to Serve
  • Leadership Development
  • Citizenship in the World
  • Business Development
  • Continuing Education
  • Personal Growth
  • Entertainment
  • Community
  • Friendship
  • Fun
PHC Upgraded
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0 Lakhs

Board Of Directors

Latest News


Community Service

Water Wheels –Rotary Club Visakhapatnam with support of CSR funds of M/s SSNR Projects Pvt Ltd have provided water wheels to 100 beneficiaries in villages near Paderu and Araku. This…

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